HUZZAH. These are new photos of Tom Hardy at the National Ballet Christmas Party in London. Don’t ask me why Tom was at a party for ballerinas. I have no idea. I suspect he was probably trying to bone a ballerina, or he is currently boning a ballerina and she promised him free booze at the Christmas party. Or maybe he’s just a patron of the arts? Whatever it is, he’s doing WAY more than Duchess Kate, and doesn’t that crack you up? Anyway, note how awesome Tom looks in these photos. His hair has grown out since we last saw him – he shaved his head to play Bane in The Dark Knight Rises. He also bulked up, and the whole thing gave him a very Vin Diesel/Shrek vibe. Remember this?

Gross. Would not hit it. But I would hit this:

Right? What a difference a little bit of hair makes, and I’m usually not That Girl. For the most part, I don’t care about a guy’s hair. Bald, receding hairline, or shaggy locks, I’m an equal opportunity dude-appreciator. But Tom Hardy is just one of those guys who shouldn’t shave his head.

By the way, you know how Mission Impossible 4 is coming out this weekend? Well, it was probably already going to have a great box office, but it’s going to get an even further push by Batman nerds. Christopher Nolan has issued a “six-minute prologue” of The Dark Knight Rises to be shown on “select IMAX screens” before MI4. And the prologue is very Bane/Tom Hardy heavy. Nolan says: “I wanted to create a self-contained short film with this prologue. It always felt like it should be the beginning of the film and the introduction of the villain.” Nolan also explained the casting choice of Tom Hardy for Bane: “I decided we needed someone like Tom in this role. He’s really thinking about every gesture his character makes, what he sounds like and how he moves. He has a very skillful awareness of his character’s physicality.” Sold. I hope the “prologue” gets released online.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
