Maybe I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m not “cool” or “hip”. Maybe I just don’t “get” someone like Lauren Conrad, a “reality star” or “a vapid succubus feeding on the rotting corpse of insanely boring faux-entertainment”. I’m okay with not getting it. I’m okay with rolling my eyes whenever Lauren Conrad’s name is mentioned. I just don’t understand why she exists. Or why I know her name. Or why a care even a little bit, just enough to know that I can’t stand her and what she represents. I know in my heart that the girl is probably harmless. Hating her is like hating the proverbial dumb kitten. All I know is that her interview in Shape Magazine hasn’t helped matters one bit.

Lauren starts out by doing something gross – she refers to the “extra” weight she gained when she first started dating Kyle Chandler as her “boyfriend layer”. I suppose “the boyfriend layer” was the two pounds she gained from eating two pieces of pizza while out on a date once. No fear, though, because she quickly realized that she and Kyle could spend their time together working out. Thus, the cover shot in a bikini. My take? Lauren has always had a pretty, athletic, healthy figure. I’m not sure why she’s trying to sell it like she’s just lost a lot of weight, or she just got healthy. She looks fine. Whatever.

They don’t call them love handles for nothing! Former “Hills” star Lauren Conrad admits in Shape magazine that she got a little “soft around the middle” early in her romance with actor Kyle Howard.

“I call it the ‘boyfriend layer’,” she says. “We were having more romantic dinners out, and I was exercising less.”

So how did the California girl reclaim her stunning bikini bod in time to make the magazine’s September cover? By hitting the gym with her honey.

“I just ask Kyle, ‘You feel like working out?'” she says, adding that they spend most of their together time outside anyway. “We like doing outdoor stuff: tennis, bike riding, kayaking, surfing, hiking. It’s more fun than hitting the gym alone.”

The tanned, golden-haired reality star spills how she found more confidence in her life after “The Hills,” which premieres without her on Sept. 29.

“People I thought I could count on were undermining me, and my self-esteem took a hit,” she says. “I’ve learned that you’ve got to stay true to yourself. It’s the only way you’ll be really happy.”

She’s got a lot to be happy about. Besides her boyfriend, she’s also keeping busy with her LC Lauren Conrad clothing line for Kohl’s. Her affordable line of jeans and blouses hit shelves this October.

She says, “It’s all about finding silhouettes that highlight the best parts of your figure.”

[From the New York Daily News]

Oh, poor LC. People were “undermining” her. That’s what happens when you live your life as if the world was a perpetual high school. LC goes on to say, “I felt bad about myself because certain people were relentlessly attacking me and my reputation. My mom kept saying ‘Let it go, Lauren, It doesn’t matter’ … [I] realized I had to stop worrying about what other people think. The next day I got a tattoo on my lower back that says ‘sticks and stones,’ because they may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Oh, she got a tattoo! I take back everything I ever said about her! She’s so hardcore.

Header photo from CoverAwards. Photo below is of Lauren in a bikini on 7/19/07. Credit: Fame Pictures. It’s not really fair to compare a heavily airbrushed photo with a normal one, though.

