The film industry is rank with sexism according to Mr’s Mirren. The 70 year old actress said roles for female actors will not change until roles for women in real life have changed. Mr’s Mirren said this on the matter: ‘There is profound sexism – the ‘would you f*** her?’ kind of attitude.’ Apparently roles designed for older actors are usually given to younger actors as well.

Mr’s Mirren added: ‘I think what’s galling to me is when you see someone who’s supposed to be a high-level surgeon in a film and she’s being played by a 28-year-old actress. They wouldn’t even be qualified yet, never mind eminent.’

Mr’s Mirren is known for swearing and has been warned not to use inappropriate language on TV before the watershed comes into effect. She swore on Good Morning Britain to explain just how much rain there was in a camping field.

She explained her views on younger actresses and actors taking to film as there is more to film than beauty as Mr’s Mirren explains: ‘On the cinema screen, your face is 10ft high and 6ft wide. It’s huge. And I, as a cinemagoer, like to see beautiful faces up there – it’s a pleasure. But there’s also story and entertainment, and one wants variety in that. You also want, as an audience member, to see people that you recognise and can identify with.’

The star has already told us that men should stop putting their arms around women. Dame Helen is the new face of L’Oréal and has insisted that nothing is done to her face whilst they filmed the advert.  None of her photographs were retouched and she was just natural on the advert.

Julie Walters has agreed with Mr’s Mirren as she said: ‘The way things are now, there aren’t going to be any working class actors.’ The veteran actress wishes to see a change in the film industry.
